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Industrial & Commercial Gas

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Water Controls

Itron Cyble M-Bus Sensor V2

Standard 2.0


Cyble technology for water meter remote reading with M-Bus protocol

Product Description:

Cyble communication modules have been designed to fulfil requirements of all utilities willing to remote read their water or gas meters. As water meters are an important investment for utilities, all Itron water meters are pre-equipped considering actual or future evolutions towards remote reading technologies. The Cyble M-Bus facilitates the integration of Itron water or gas meters into a M-Bus network. This module offers advanced reading functionality that enables the utilities to offer additional services to their customer.

Features & Benefits:

• The Cyble M-Bus Suits to remote reading applications through M-Bus Networks in residential, commercial and industrial uses.
• Ease Of Installation
• Magnetic Tampering Is Impossible Since The Non-Magnetic Target Is Not Influenced By An External Magnet


Product Data Sheet